The Best Reason to Exercise

What benefits more, your abs or your attitude?

So, what body part benefits most from your daily workout?

Is it your abs? Legs? Rearview?

It's your brain!

That's right.  The best result you leave the gym with is rarely the one people think about. But study after study is demonstrating that the part of your body best served by exercise is your brain.  Yes, exercise results in increased blood flow to the brain, and therefore increased mental acuity.  Cognitive flexibility is enhanced. Regular exercise greatly reduces the risk for Alzheimer's disease.

Research on elderly show has even shown growth in the brain's memory center with increased aerobic exercise.  Memory decline reversed. 

All these benefits come with side effects, however! The side effects can include elevated mood, a feeling of accomplishment,
and a positive outlook with which to start your day.  Oh, and your heart, lungs, and waistline might be better off too.  

I encourage everyone to incorporate exercise into their daily lives. This doesn't mean you have to start running marathons.  Simply make a habit to exercise five minutes a day, every day. Don't ask yourself if you have time to work out today.  Tell yourself you are getting your five minutes, and then find where you can get them. If you go to the gym, run in your neighborhood, meet a friend for a hike, great!  If all you have time for is 5 minutes of walking up and down the stairs on your break at work, then that's great too.  As long as you form the habit, you are beginning to do wonders for your brain.  And, your brain will reward you with increased focus and memory.  You will meet your challenges today with a bit more flexibility and a better outlook! 

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